y About me - MOUNTAIN IT - Eric Berg

My name is Eric Berg and I work as Director Expert at CGI. My focus is on Azure and AWS architectures, cloud management, cloud governance, and hybrid cloud approaches. 

Through my experience, in which I had a lot to do with client-server architectures, but also with topics such as Citrix, SCCM, Intune, Windows, Office, etc., I have quite a broad knowledge beyond the cloud infrastructures.

Since 2015 I am Microsoft MVP für Cloud and Datacenter Management and since July 2018 I also received the Azure MVP. I still hold these two awards today.

I am a regular speaker at various events, communities, meetings and conferences. Among them for example Microsoft Ignite, Ignite The Tour, ExpertsLive EU, Cloud and Datacenter Conference Germany, Azure Meetups, …

My motto: „The community lives from the community and only those who join in keep her alive!“

All thoughts, opinions and ideas on this website are from me and do not reflect the attitude of my employer or Microsoft.

Cheers Eric Berg

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