ARS 6/6 – Azure Reservations Conclusion

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We arrived at the last part of the series about Azure Reservations. After we had looked into changes and cancellations in our last article it is time for a conlsuion

Series Overview


Reserved instances are a great way to save costs in Azure and run long term resources at low cost. The flexible crediting based on the use of resources also allows you to use added value if individual resources are not operated around the clock, as other resources simply benefit from the reservation.

However, some planning is needed. On the one hand the correct reservation must be found. A calculation of the savings is particularly time-consuming at Cosmos DB and SUSE due to the different ratios.

The cancellation fee and the maximum refund of $50,000 must be observed.

All around…with some planning and knowledge of the possibilities and conditions…a great possibility to increase the added value of Cloud even further.

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