[COMMUNITY] Azure Meetups – Place to meet

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If you are searching for people with the same interest as you. For people that are open to share, thoughts, experiences and lessons-learned. If you want to learn more about Azure, hear about interesting projects or meet a lot of friends … Azure Meetups or other User Groups could be a good choice for you.

What is a Meetup?!

Meetup is an online platform to connect people with the same or similar interest. Those people group together in a Meetup Group. There are way more Communities and User Groups … and there had been a lot of groups years before Meetup was founded … but Meetup was actually the one, who spread the word. Since the platform was established it has grown into every country in the world. There are more and more groups, for nearly every topic.

The official description:

Meetup is about connecting people with something in common. From activities you love and hobbies you want to try, to ways you identify yourself and who you want to be, a Meetup group is a community. A community of people who come together because they care about the same thing. Mountain climbers, first-time parents, aspiring circus performers, coders… you name it, there’s a good chance there’s a Meetup group for it.

Source: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002878251-What-is-a-Meetup-group-

Azure Meetups Globally

And as there are groups for nearly every interest … we can also find a lot of Azure Meetups, or Meetups that are related to Azure, as it is topic in many other user groups, like Development, Business Growth, Data Center and general Cloud Computing

Today there are more than 740 meetups globally that are covering Azure as a topic. In total we have more than 372.000 members in those groups.

So: You are not alone…

Azure Meetups Globally
Source: https://www.meetup.com/topics/microsoft-azure/

As you can see there are meetups all over the world, from Australia to Brazil, From Japan to Europe …. even on the African continent we can find some cool groups. Only the Russian area and large parts of China look very empty.

Azure Meetups in USA

Let’s have a closer look into the US, where we can find meetups spreading across the country. So no matter where you are, there is a meetup near you. In more than 200 groups you can fin nearly 85.000 people with the same interest.

Azure Meetups US
Source: https://www.meetup.com/topics/azure/us/

Azure Meetups in Germany

In my home country we can also find a lot of Azure Meetups. Microsoft did a really great job here, to support those groups over the last years.

They even have a separate website which covers the dedicated Azure Meetups in Germany. As a side note … there are many more user groups that are talking about Azure in Germany … but those are the explicit named groups.

Azure Meetups Germany
Source: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/techwiese/community/meetups/azure.aspx

Azure Thüringen Meetup

As you can see in the picture above, there is a Meetup marked red in the middle of Germany … This is the Azure Thüringen Meetup. Members of this group meet in different cities of Thuringia to reach a broad range of members.

So feel free to join us here and have some nice Meetups together…

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