ARS 3/6 – Azure Reservations Purchasing

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After we discussed what Azure Reservations are, in our second part, we will have a look on purchasing them.

Who can buy reservations?

Basically you have to be the owner of at least one subscription to buy reservations.

Furthermore, Azure Reservations are only available for Enterprise customers, Pay-As-You-Go subscriptions and CSP customers. If you are travelling with an MSDN subscription, for example, you are unfortunately excluded from the offer.

Important note: There are no reservations in the German Cloud (R.I.P.).

To make a reservation, go to the Azure portal and go to the Reservations section.

Azure Reservations im Azure Portal

Here you can add a new reservation via the „Add“ button.

Azure Reservations Add

How to Buy Reserved Instances for VMs?

The probably most used and also most well-known reservations are the Azure Reserved Compute Instances. Also often abbreviated as RI.

When purchasing RIs, you have various choices:

Azure Reservation VM

Single or Shared Subscription – This is about where the reservation takes effect. Either only in the subscription that is selected, or for all subscriptions in context. For example, all subscriptions in the EA or all Pay-as-you-go subscriptions created by the same Account Admin.

It is always important to choose the right VM size and to pay attention to details such as Premium Disk Support. An error can quickly become expensive…but more about this in a later article.

Optimize for – We will come back to this in a later article. Basically, it is a question of whether exactly the selected VM size should be reserved, or only the VM type with flexibility in the concrete configuration.

For each reservation, the costs incurred in comparison to the Pay-as-you-Go price are displayed.

How to Buy Reserved Capacity for SQL?

Also with the purchase of reservations for SQL you have various options:

Azure Reservation SQL

As with the VM, it is also possible to make a reservation for the current subscription only or for the entire context.

Deployment Type – It’ll get exciting here. Now you have to define if you want to use simple SQL databases or elastic pools or if you want to use reserved instances.

Deployment Tier – Depending on the type different Tiers and Performance Levels can be selected.

Also here the reservation is concluded by a cost overview.

How to Buy Reserved Capacity for Cosmos DB?

If one wants to reserve Azure Cosmos DB capacities,one encounters a quite clear assistant:

Azure Reservation Cosmos

The most important decisions lie in the area of RUs:

Reserved Capacity Type – Here the decision is made whether the reservation is for the single master or multi master deployment of Cosmos DB. Who doesn’t know Cosmos DB so well yet. With Single-Master only one region is written, while with Multi-Master the Writes scale globally.

Reserved Capactiy Units – this is about the actual RUs/s in total…so if you have several regions, then RUs/s x regions!

How to Buy Reserved SUSE Software Plans?

Last but not least, we can also get SUSE software from Azure Reservations.

Azure Reservation SUSE Linux

When purchasing SUSE Linux reservations, you can choose the appropriate software plan. In addition, you can select the appropriate VM size.

Important: SUSE reservations cannot be cancelled and refunded!

Next Part

In the next part we look at how the acquired reservations behave now…in passing the point with the most ambiguities…

Next Part (tomorrow): ARS 4/6 – Azure Reservations Settlement


This article is based on my current knowledge as of February 2019. All information is subject to change without notice…especially as the rules of the game may change at any time and there is a possibility that I have misunderstood or overlooked something … If this is the case, I would be happy if you add it to the comments.

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