Guide – SQL 2012 und System Center 2012 R2

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Eine oft gestellt Frage, im Zusammenhang mit System Center Produkten, ist die Frage nach den unterstützten SQL-Konfigurationen.

Man findet zwar alle relevanten Infos im TechNet, jedoch ist es nur schwer möglich einen kompletten Überblick über die Möglichkeiten zu erhalten.

Paul Keely (Cloud and Datacenter Management MVP) hat hierzu einen Guide verfasst. In der aktuellen Version findet man den Guide hier: Download


  • SQL Versionen und supportete Features
  • SQL Cluster
  • SQL Always On
  • SQL in Azure
  • SQL Backup mit DPM
  • SQL Monitoring
  • VMM Template für SQL


In this guide I have decided to be very much more focused on SQL and its interaction with System Center and indeed Server 2012. In the last guide I felt that a lot of people were already installing SQL for quite some time and there was a lot of knowledge out there on SQL installs but not best practices. SQL 2012 and Server 2012 have brought some real game changers to the story, and because of that this guide is going to go into way more detail on areas like setup and some of the options we have here. We are not going to walk you through a basic SQL setup, there are a ton of guides for that on the internet, instead we are going to look at some of the more complex areas like clustering, AlwaysOn, Storage Spaces and SQL Azure. If you are new to this subject then I suggest that you download the guide above and use in in conjunction to this one.

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