[LEARN] LinkedIn Learning Azure courses

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As we all know there are different learning types. Some people need to hear things. Others need to read about a topic. Some people need to see things. And others have to try it out.
The same applies, when learning Microsoft Azure. And this is why there are so many options out there to gain knowledge about Azure:

  • read the docs.microsoft.com or blogs
  • listen to podcast, meetups or conferences
  • watch videos or recordings of conferences
  • try out things in your lab or during a course

LinkedIn Learning

This is where my journey with LinkedIn Learning has begun. I wrote articles on the blog. I spoke at conferences, I recorded a podcast.

BUT, I was never that good in creating videos.

Sure recording a screen capture and my voice is easy. But setting up a complex course with multiple episodes, keeping it up-to-date, cutting, producing, etc. … that is not easy. And also my time does not allow this.

So many of you may know that there are plenty of video-training websites out there. But I have decided to go with LinkedIn. They approached me at a conference, like many others did. But there was a main difference. While all the other platforms asked for the final video, LinkedIn Learning was asking for my know-how.

They just wanted me to record the videos, the whole proofing, post-production, producing, etc. is done by the LinkedIn team.

This sounded interesting, so I gave it a try … and now … I have 5 courses online 🙂

Recording experience

To create a new course with the LinkedIn team is a very nice process. First you have to agree on a topic you want to talk about. It will be checked by the content owners, that there are no overlaps and no other courses with the same topic are in production.

After the topic is set you create a raw plan of the course. Just lining out which topics you want to talk about, how it will be done, etc.

If you need some slides you have to create them upfront. They will be checked, proofed and optimized for the recording by the team.

And then: it is recording time. LinkedIn Learning has a very nice studio setup with sound-booths, green-screen, etc.
Depending on the course to create you just have to record your videos. They will directly be proofed by video-proofers. So you can make necessary adjustments.

That’s it … the whole post production, finalizing the video is done by LinkedIn Learning.

So easy for me … I can focus on the things I like and they let the magic happen.

My LinkedIn Learning courses

In the end the courses are published on LinkedIn Learning. Right now I have 5 german speaking courses available:

LinkedIn Learning courses

LinkedIn Learning Azure courses

But there are many more Azure courses available from other Instructors. In German for example there are great courses by Karsten Ulferts and many others:

LinkedIn Learning Azure courses

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