[NEWS] Azure News of the week
5. Juli 2024Also this week there were many news around Microsoft Azure! Here as always the overview for you: Have fun reading and trying it out…
As we have seen over the last posts, there are multiple ways to learn about Azure. In the past it was common to use Books to learn about technology. When I have a look into my shelf, there are Windows Server Books, System Center Books, etc. – but what about Azure Books?
There are some books out there that can help you to understand and learn Microsoft Azure. But the innovation in technology and the speed of change in the Cloud makes it very difficult to write books about it.
When you have a look how books are written, you can see that it normally takes several months to finish a book. Chapters have to be written, lectured and then the book must be published.
For Azure related topics that means at the time the book is published, it may be out-of-date … changes have been made by Microsoft. Other services have been launched.
So keeping books up to date is a hard job. So let’s have a look which books we can find about Azure…
One good option to publish books about Azure, is to make them available as eBooks. This avoids printing and makes it possible to implement changes faster.
There are plenty of eBooks out there, which you can find on the common platforms.
But there is also a website from Microsoft where they publish a list of available eBooks … as of today you can find 170 eBooks there.
One very common source of books is also Microsoft Press. There you can find a set of printed books as well as eBooks. The most popular books from Microsoft Press when it comes to learning Azure are the Exam-Prep books.
But also here watch out for the date, when those books have been published. As we know the exams are changing fast, and there will be some new changes in February and March. So make sure to take the latest books and watch out for the differences.
Besides the books there are also a lot of Azure Whitepapers that can help you to understand Azure topics better.
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