[COMMUNITY] Experts Live – sharing knowledge with the community

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I hope many of you have heard about Experts Live Events. If not … we have to change this today!!!

What is Experts Live?!

To make it easy let me grab the introduction from the official website:

Experts Live is a non-profit organization based in The Netherlands that has a mission to “enable sharing of knowledge and experience about Microsoft technologies worldwide” and was founded by Maarten Goet (MVP, RD).

Source: https://expertslive.org/about-experts-live/

And here we go … it is exactly what Community should be about. Sharing your knowledge to help others to grow. Exchange experiences, make friends, meet nice people.

It all started with a local community meeting in the Netherlands … and over time it has grown to one of the biggest community events worldwide.

The events are grouped into National and International Events. While the National Events based in a certain country have a duration of 1 day, the international Events can be multi-day conferences.

Where can I find Experts Live?!

As mentioned, it all started in The Netherlands but has grown a lot. You can find Experts Live Events all over the globe. And I am super happy that I was allowed to speak at some of them already.

So here is the list of all national event locations (that I know at the moment)

So here is the list of all international event locations (that I know at the moment)

If i missed something … let me know in the comments.

Events in 2020 … so far

There are a lot Events planned for H1 already so you should really have a look:

Experts Live Events H1 2020

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