[NEWS] Azure News of the week
5. Juli 2024Also this week there were many news around Microsoft Azure! Here as always the overview for you: Have fun reading and trying it out…
You always wanted to start blogging? You have created an article, but never posted it? You want to share an important topic with as much people as possible? You want to share Your Content but don’t know how? Then this is for you!
I know how hard it is to start the first blog post. There are many excuses, like:
But to be honest: the only way to get rid of those excuses, is to start!
This is why I want to open up my [COMMUNITY] section on Sundays for others.
It is as easy as this … to send your idea in, just follow this Forms
Out of all sent ideas I will create a schedule to post your content. For the final details I will reach out to you via E-Mail.
So bring in your content!!! 🙂
There are some simple rules for the posts:
The content is fully yours … you will be mentioned as the publisher … feel free to include a short intro of yourself
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