SCOM – vNEXT Features gewünscht?!
18. August 2015
Das Microsoft SCOM Produkt-Team bittet um Feedback….die vNEXT von SCOM befindet sich aktuell in der Entwicklung und jeder hat die Möglichkeit seine Ideen, Wünsche und Features einzubringen.
Das Produkt-Team hat eine eigene User-Voice-Site erstellt: SCOM vNEXT UserVoice
Hier kann jeder seine Ideen und Wünsche abgeben oder für die Vorschläge anderer User voten…also los geht es…
Do you have an idea or suggestion based on your experience with SCOM? We would love to hear it! Please take a few minutes to submit your idea in the one of the forums available on the right or vote up an idea submitted by another SCOM customer. All of the feedback you share in these forums will be monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building SCOM. We have already added some of the feedback we received through the TAP program and the recent SCOM survey.
This forum (General Feedback) is used for any broad feedback related to SCOM.
Be specific on your feedback. The more specific, the easier and quicker for us to review. Please be concise!!
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