Event-Tip: I’m speaking at Experts Live EU and Microsoft Ignite

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After i had my well deserved summer holiday I am back and there will be new stuff soon….today I will start with two events which are important for me: Experts Live and Microsoft Ignite

Experts Live Europe

From August 23rd to 25th the Experts Live Europe will take place in Berlin. The Event, known as System Center Universe in the past, is waiting with some of the best speakers and lots of good content this year. Also i am honored to be part of this Event as a Speaker


Experts Live EU Logo

I will present in total three sessions at Experts Live Europe this year:

There are still some Tickets left….so hurry up and register now

Microsoft Ignite

From September 25th to 29th Microsoft Ignite 2017 takes place in Orlando, Florida. The largest technical Microsoft Event will be a blast of our minds this year… Many announcements, technical Deep-Dive Sessions and the opportunity to network with so many people make Microsoft Ignite a MUST!

After i had  7 Sessions last year in Atlanta, this year will be a bit smoother for me. But not less interesting

Microsoft Ignite Speaker Logo

With a 45 minutes Breakout Session i am hosting a so called Community Meetup „Azure – Do’s and Don’ts“ (Title may change 🙂

This session format enables an open discussion with the attendees to exchange your Knowledge, Best Practices and thoughts. My role: keep track of everything, host the discussion and lead it. Also as an Expert i will give my thoughts and answer questions. This is an awesome opportunity to get in contact….so visit this session

Also you can find me at the Microsoft Booth again this year. For which product….i am not allowed to tell at the moment…this will be announced at Ignite first. 🙂

Here you can find my Speaker-Profile

There are only few passes left – so register now!!!

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