Feedback on System Center?! – Microsoft is listening

Keine Kommentare zu Feedback on System Center?! – Microsoft is listening

Often I hear my colleagues, customers or family complaining about Microsoft products…sometimes they are right but often not. Most of those discussions end up with the opinion that youz can´t Change anything anyway.

But far from it! Microsoft it listening! Microsoft even asks for your feedback. They let us try out Windows 10 and call our feedback. This way Windows 10 will be more satisfying for all of us.

You can find the same procedure for System Center. In the past two weeks i had several calls with microsoft product managers (PM) and was able to share my thoughts and my suggestions. it was an honor for me to talk directly to PMs…and now i hope some of my suggestions will help to improve the next generation of Tools…

And now it`s your turn. Microsoft is asking for Feedback in many Areas. Here are some very ínteresting links.
Help Wanted: Please Give Feedback on System Center Orchestrator & Azure Automation Futures
Have some ideas on how we can improve Cloud Integrated Backup (Azure and DPM)? We’re listening.
Help us get better – Join the VMM customer panel
How do you update your IT infrastructure? Tell us more about your experience and pain points

So: Give Feedback, and help to design the future of Microsoft products

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