Project Honolulu – Ask me anything session
12. Oktober 2017
I was very proud to be invited by the Windows Server Management Team to show and explain Project Honolulu during Microsoft Ignite in Orlando, FL. I was on the Server Management booth from Monday to Wednesday and it was amazing. There was so much interest in this new solution. So many questions and good ideas.
But maybe there are still some questions unanswered…or you didn’t had the chance to visit us there…
Good thing: The Project Honolulu team will host a „Ask me Anything“ Session on October 17th where you can ask everything you want to know.
AMA – Ask Me Anything
Date: October 17th, 2017
time: 9 am to 10 pm (PT)
Where: In the Windows Server AMA area
Registration / Reminder: this way

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Project Honolulu – Ask me anything session
12. Oktober 2017
Mit Begeisterung habe ich auf der Ignite am Windows Server Management Tools Stand der Microsoft das Project Honolulu vorgeführt und erklärt. Viele Besucher hatten großes Interesse am Tool und es gab jede Menge Fragen und Antworten.
Trotzdem gibt es sicher noch die ein oder andere Frage die unbeantwortet ist.
Praktischer Weise bietet das Project Honolulu Team eine Ask me Anything Session am 17. Oktober in der ihr all eure Fragen loswerden könnt.
AMA – Ask Me Anything
Datum: 17. Oktober 2017
Uhrzeit: 18 Uhr (Deutscher Zeit)
Wo: Im Windows Server AMA Bereich
Anmeldung / Reminder: hier entlang

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