SCVMM – Hotfix for SCVMM 2012 R2 UR6

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If you have an issue connecting VMM Console to SCVMM Server after applying UR6 for SCVMM 2012 R2 have a look at this:

Microsoft has released a hotfix for this issue: KB3065235

Localized Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console fails to connect after you install VMM 2012 R2 Update Rollup 6

The issue occurs with localized Consoles!

To Install the Hotfix follow these steps:

  1. Download KB3065235
  2. Backup the Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.HardwareProperties.resources.dll under %VMMINSTALLPATH%\bin\
  3. Stop VMM Admin Console
  4. Extract the Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.HardwareProperties.resources.dll from Hotfix to %VMMINSTALLPATH%\bin\
  5. Start the VMM Admin Console

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