Update Rollup 6 für System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

3 Kommentare zu Update Rollup 6 für System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager

Mit dem Update Rollup 6 für System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager kommen eine Vielzahl von Features und Fixes:


Folgende neue Features sind durch das UR 6 hinzugekommen:

  • Auswahlmöglichkeit, ob nach Löschen einer Sicherungsgruppe die Backup Daten erhalten bleiben sollen
  • Support für SQL Server 2014 als DPM Datenbank (nur via Upgrade, da die initiale Installation des DPM weiterhin nur SQL 2012 supportet.)


Insgesamt werden 15 Fixes bereitgestellt. Näheres dazu im entsprechenden KB…

  • When you receive a popup error message in DPM that contains a More Information redirection link, the link does not correctly redirect. This causes a „Page Not Found“ error.
  • If you protect System State or BMR after you upgrade to DPM Update Rollup 5, the console may crash or become unresponsive while it is running DPM Inquiry
  • The Refresh button in the Create/Modify PG wizard may be disabled even after you select a PS computer
  • Create\Modify\Delete on a PG with Clustered File Server data sources may fail with Error 197 or cause a console crash. This specifically occurs after DPM Update Rollup 5 is installed.



  1. Vor der Installation sollte eine Sicherung der SCDPM Datenbank erfolgen.
  2. Update der Backup Server mittels Windows Update (oder händisch)
  3. Update der Backup Agents
  4. Reboot der zu sichernden Clients


Nach der Aktualisierung der Backup Agents müssen die zu sichernden Systeme neu gestartet werden um die korrekte Funktion des Backups sicherzustellen.

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  1. Peter Hagemann  - 19. Mai 2015 - 11:21

    But what you have forgotten: After the restart you will be get some new Error Messages in the Application Event Log like this one: EVENT-ID 4209 / SOURCE: MSDPM / DESCRIPTION: „The description for Event ID 4209 from source MSDPM cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    DPM Writer encountered an internal error. Please restart the DPM Writer service, and then try the backup operation again. For additional troubleshooting information, review the application event log and the DPM Troubleshooting Guide.
    Problem Details:
    3005/13/2015 10:28:28 AMd:\btvsts\40678\private\product\tapebackup\dpswriter\dpswriterwindowsservice.cpp288True-2146232060
    the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table

    …and also Error Messages from ESENT (ID 455, 489, 490)
    …and after every Restart!

    VERY, very strange and mysterious!

  2. Eric Berg  - 19. Mai 2015 - 21:47

    Hi Peter,

    i have not seen this issue…

    So have you tried to restart the DPM Writer?!

    Maybe there are some more entries in Application Log?!

    Kind regards

  3. Peter Hagemann  - 20. Mai 2015 - 06:55

    SCDPM (UR6) seems to work fine. But it remains a very bad feeling, if suddenly appear mysterious error messages in the event log.
    Btw, I’ve no kind of tape library in my environment and I do not backup to tape (why this message on every server, where I’ve installed UR6?).

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