EBook – kostenfreies EBook: Microsoft System Center: Building a Virtualized Network Solution

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Gestern wurde ein neues kostenfreies EBook von MSPress veröffentlicht.

In Microsoft System Center: Building a Virtualized Network Solution geht es rund um die Planung, Konfiguration und Verwaltung virtueller Netzwerke. Basierend auf Windows Server 2012 (und höher) und System Center 2012 SP1 (und höher) werden grundlegende Designfragen geklärt, Best-Practices definiert und Hinweise rund um Verwaltung ung Administration gegeben.

Inhalt der Kapitel:

  • Chapter 1: Key concepts A virtualized network solution built on Windows Server 2012 and System Center 2012 SP1 depends on a number of different components, and this chapter outlines the role each of these components plays in the overall solution and how they are interconnected.
  • Chapter 2: Logical networks This chapter takes a look at some of the main reasons why you would (or would not) create a logical network, provides an overview of the key considerations, outlines some best practice guidance, and describes a process for identifying the set of logical networks that are needed in your environment
  • Chapter 3: Port profiles This chapter discusses the different types of port profiles in Microsoft System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager (VMM)— uplink port profiles and network adapter port profiles—describes what they are used for, and provides detailed guidance for how and when to create them.
  • Chapter 4: Logical switches This chapter covers logical switches, essentially templates for Hyper-V switches, which allow you to consistently apply the same settings and configuration across multiple hosts and ensure that any Hyper-V switches you deploy and configure using a logical switch remain compliant with it.
  • Chapter 5: Deployment This chapter builds on the material discussed in previous chapters and walks through common deployment scenarios, highlighting known issues (and workarounds) relating to the deployment and use of logical switches in your environment
  • Chapter 6: Operations Even after having carefully planned a virtual network solution, things outside of your immediate control may force changes to your virtualized network solution. This chapter walks you through some relatively common scenarios and provides recommendations, advice, and guidance for how best to deal with them.

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