Workaround: SC 2016 SCSM and SCOM Console Issue
13. Januar 2017
Here i am back in 2017…and here is something useful if you also run into the SCSM and SCOM Console issue when running on the same system…
Since GA of System Center 2016 there had been some issues…“interesting“ Client-OS requirements and other stuff
At the moment there is an issue, so you cannot run SCSM and SCOM Console on the same Desktop. If you install SCOM 2016 console on a Windows 10 Enterprise system everything is working fine. but as soon as you add the SCSM 2016 console the SCOM console will crash if you try to start it.
This is a known issue at Microsoft but there is not yet a fix
(also in different Forums, you can read about this issue…but also with no solution)
When installing SCSM Console as a requirement SQL 2014 AMO package is installed. this will let SCOM console crash, because it is not compatible to AMO
If you uninstall SQL 2014 AMO and start a repair of SCOM console installation your console is working again…but SCSM console is broken…
At the moment there is no fix for this…Microsoft is still working on it…but there is a workaround
- Add a system environment variable named „DEVPATH“ which contains the folder path of „Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll“:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\Console\SDK Binaries
- Edit the config file „C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager\Console\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.Console.exe.config“:
<developmentMode developerInstallation="true" />
- restart the system…
Now SCOM console issue should be gone…
IMPORTANT: this is just a workaround…you should only do the steps above if have the same issue…also i am not responsible for changes done in your infrastructure…if possible you should wait for the official fix
I will let you know as soon as there is an official fix, or something changes for this SCSM and SCOM console issue in the future
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