Windows 10 Creators Update – configure settings menu with GPO

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When running Windows 7 many of you may have used the option in GPO to control the Control Panel. You were able to select which Settings a user can access and which not…When running Windows 10 this feature was requested widely

With the Windows 10 Creators Update a new GPO setting is introduced:

Administrative Templates –> Control Panel –> Settings Page Visibility

How is it working?

With this basic GPO setting you can define which Menus in the new Settings Menu are available and which not. If all options of a category are disabled the whole category should be removed. Actually it seems that there is an issue with this. But the single menu items in a category are correctly disbled…


Right now you have to guess the correct name of the settings to enable / disable…if someone finds a good documentation please let me know


When configuring the policy you can define a whitelist of setting that are allowed to be shown. For this just use the “showonly” parameter and so you configure which options are allowed. So for example the following setting results in this:




You could also create a blacklist GPO. Here you will use the “hide” the specific Settings-menus so that a user can not access it. For example the following onfiguration will have the following result




With this new feature we manage a large step towards Enterprise Management…

So Happy Upgrading

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