Windows 10 Creators Update – Windows Update GPO and Store

2 Kommentare zu Windows 10 Creators Update – Windows Update GPO and Store

Since the first release of Windows 10 there had been lots of questions and issues regarding Windows Update.

Now with Creators Update on the horizon there will be some new things too

Block access to Windows Update

In the last versions of Windows 10 there had been several issues with setting GPOs to control access to the Windows Update feature.

So many are using this GPO to block access to manual Windows Update



With this policy in place the manual Windows Update is blocked but also the ability to Update Windows Store Apps is blocked. So with this in place you will never see updated Windows 10 Apps

Microsoft is not recommending usage of this policy any more…

New ways

But what to use instead of this GPO? We can now use the GPO “Remove access to use Windows Update Features” which will block access to the manual Windows Update Feature.



With this GPO the Update Feature of the Windows Store is not broken. So you will receive Windows App Updates, but the user is not able to use manual Windows Update any more…

Windows Store GPO

When we are talking about Windows Store App Updates there is something else to know:

Probably most of you have a GPO in place to deactivate the Windows Store. But think about this:

  • deactivating the Windows Stores using a Computer Policy, blocks App-Updates
  • deactivating the Windows Stores using a User Policy, does not block App-Updates


So…Happy Patching

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  1. Ryan Engstrom  - 12. April 2017 - 19:50

    Thanks for the info! Does the client need to be on 1703 for this feature, or will updating the central store and applying policy to <1703 work?

  2. Eric Berg  - 19. April 2017 - 09:09

    Hi Ryan,

    as i understood you require 1703 to fully work with this. But let me know if you figure out something else

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