SCSM – Update für das neue Service Manager Portal verfügbar
16. Dezember 2015
Seit einigen Tagen steht er bereit: der Hotfix für das mit dem UR8 eingeführte neue SCSM Portal
Hotfix (KB3124091) for Microsoft System Center Service Manager 2012 R2 Self Service Portal
In dem aktuellen Hotfix wurden jede Menge Fehler behoben:
- Affected user and Created by user is getting set to the service account
- Query type form element is not working for the Incident and User classes
- Request Offering forms are failing to load if a Query type form element is part of the form
- Username token is not passing values to the mapped field
- Cancelling request form does not work
- Text is overlapping for long strings inside the list in the middle pane
- Related activities inside My Requests always show state as active
- Filters inside My Requests and My Activities is not working for some languages
- Announcement is showing “Invalid Date” in Expired Date column for some languages
- Comments in the request are using incorrect class
- Required (mandatory) restriction is not working on query type form element
- Query form element allows multiple selection even when it is configured for single item selection
- Scroll bar does not work on some lower screen resolutions
- Double scroll bar appears while browsing Help Articles
- Some areas of portal are not rendering in Mozilla Firefox web browser
- My Activities shows 0 instead of removing the notification sticker when no activity is in progress
- With SSL enabled, the browser regularly prompts the message “Only secure content is displayed” with a button to “Show all content” while browsing the portal
- “Added by” inside the action logs show domain\username instead of the display name of the user
Folgende Fehler sind im Moment leider noch nicht behoben:
- Un-favorite does not work for Request Offerings
- Portal does not filter Request Offerings based on the language
- Query form element with filter criteria depending on selection from another query in same form does not work
- Multiple query form elements inside same request offering form cannot add same relationship types
- Action logs do not expand when any request is opened via direct URL
Für diese Probleme wird es ein weiteres Update in Zukunft geben…
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